ASSIST is proud to be leading the way in These Walls Must Fall in Sheffield. This involves persuading the local Council to pass a motion of their commitment against immigration detention, which affects all of our clients.
These Walls Must Fall is a growing network of groups, organisations, communities, people. People from all sorts of backgrounds but with one thing in common: a determination to end the injustice of immigration detention.
Help us by pushing the campaign through your community groups, voluntary organisations, charities, trade unions, activist groups, faith communities, student societies, sports clubs…
When you have people, groups, organisations, communities, acting together, it all adds up to some serious people power. This is what it will take to convince the politicians that they must act to shut down the detention centres.
Support us in our campaign to persuade Sheffield City Council to pass a motion against immigration detention!
For ideas on how you can make your voice heard, go to the These Walls Must Fall website.