A wave of far-right violence and intimidation, witnessed in South Yorkshire and across the country in recent days, has left countless people living in fear. Those who have been targeted include many people who came to the UK in search of a life free from danger and persecution. Along with the majority of people in the country, we at ASSIST utterly condemn these events and stand with everyone affected.
We will not waver in our solidarity with everyone seeking sanctuary, and with all those affected by the Hostile Environment, at this time of heightened risk. ASSIST is an anti-racist community, and we will not allow the abhorrent actions of a vocal minority to go unopposed.
We are reaching out to our clients and doing all we can to support and advise them, as well as joining partner organisations and like-minded individuals in the developing community response.
We will keep up our work until our city and country becomes a place of safety and welcome for all.