It is with very great sadness that we have to report the passing of ASSIST’s former Chair, Gina Clayton. Widely respected as an expert in asylum and immigration law who wrote the standard textbook for students, as well as for her tireless campaigning for human rights, she was admired and loved by all who knew her.
Gina guided ASSIST through some of its most challenging times to become a more professional organisation, at the same time always ensuring that it never lost the ethos of compassion and caring which has been a major characteristic of its work since its foundation. Totally committed to meeting the urgent needs of the people we support and dedicated to campaigns to end the social injustices they suffer, she combined her work for us with her involvement in other organisations in which she was pivotal including South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice (SYRLJ). No one has ever contributed more than Gina to ASSIST, which would be poorer today without the gifts she bestowed.
She had to terminate her work for us some time ago for medical reasons, and her health sadly deteriorated in the years which followed. She will be greatly missed not only for what she did but for what she was. A wonderful person who inspired us all. Our sincere condolences to all who were close to her, especially her equally respected husband, Mike Fitter, who shared in her work as well as her life. Forever loved and never forgotten. RIP Gina.
Richard Chessum on behalf of ASSIST