‘When my appeal was rejected I lost section 4 support. An ASSIST volunteer took me to the night shelter and gave me a welfare payment of 10 pounds and a bus pass. I would get up at 6am so that I could travel to Rotherham and attend college. I managed to gain my qualifications from college while staying at the night shelter. I was then moved in to a house share and later stayed with a host family. When I stayed with the host family I would always try to help out whenever I could and use my allowance to support the family.
The people at ASSIST were so kind and offered me so much support when I needed it most, it was a comfort to know that someone was fighting my corner. Staff recommended a brilliant lawyer who put together my appeal.
Last year I was granted leave to remain in the UK. Now I have used my qualifications and skills to work in a job that I enjoy and I am looking forward to progressing in my career in Sheffield.
I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone, but if I met anyone who was going through a similar experience I would tell them to go to ASSIST for help. I couldn’t imagine my life without ASSIST.’’