November update: The Home Office plans to resume evictions have been paused until the New Year and the council are now accommodating in a hotel those of our clients who would otherwise be homeless. However, we are still concerned that evictions may be resumed in due course.
We thought it might be useful to collate all the things you can be doing at the moment to support us support destitute asylum seekers. Many of you have been outraged by the recent Home Office annoucement about evicitions and rightly so. Find out more
What would help us nowNovember update: The Home Office plans to resume evictions have been paused until the New Year and the council are now accommodating in a hotel those of our clients who would otherwise be homeless. However, we are still concerned that evictions may be resumed in due course.:
- Donations. We're looking at a long winter with no night shelter and an increasing number of people needing accommodation. We have been well supported over the Spring and Summer by individuals and emergency Covid-19 grants but this isn't going to cover what we are likely to need this winter. If you can spare anything please visit our donate page.
- Campaign. Many of you have already written to your MP and/or other leader. It you haven't already please do. Details here.
- Join the National Day of Action - 7th October. Tweet a picture of yourself with a paper house remembering to include #StopAsylumEvictions. More details can be found on the NACCOM website
- If you are or know a Landlord that might be able to help we are looking for suitable premises. See our website for more details.
Or if you have any other ideas please get in touch with Lyndsey
Thank you!